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Monday, July 28, 2008


"This is Tai. Almost 5 yrs old but very much a puppy at heart. We live in northeastern Thailand where we own a small restaurant that features his picture in our logo. As a result, he's become a quite a famous boy in these parts. He loves to greet the customers. You can visit his own dog blog at "

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Mr. Bigglesworth

"Mr. Bigglesworth is one year and 3 months old and the absolute love of my life. There's no having a bad day when you come home to this face!"


"His name is...drum roll please..."Boston". Smiles.. Boston is 1 1/2 years old.

We live in San Francisco and I sent you this picture because I have yet to see this marking on any pups ever..Let alone a Boston Terrier. If you look below you will see a very obvious Heart marking between his ears, so wonderful and cute! "

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Lily and Nina

"These are our girlz - Lily and Nina. Lily has one really pretty blue eye (the other is brown). They are 5 year old sisters from the same litter and the source of many laughs everyday! These pigs, as we lovingly refer to them, LOVE to snuggle under the covers!"


"This is my 2 year old BT! She is the light of my life!"

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Lizzy and Penelope

"Lizzy 4 1/2 (on left) with her new little sister Penelope 2 1/2. We just adopted Penelope this month. They get along great and act like they have lived together their whole lives. Bostons are awesome!! They're very addictive. You can't just have one."


"This is Dover and she is 10 weeks old. I imagine she is the love child of a gremlin and some kind of rabbit. She is completely psychotic most of the time but I love her very much and she always knows how to make me smile."

Saturday, July 19, 2008


"He lives in Minneapolis, is 3 years old, and has been with us for one joyful, spazzy, curious, snorty, delightful year!"


"Here is a picture of Baxter at 3 yrs old waiting expectantly for his treat after braving the snowy weather."

Thursday, July 17, 2008


"This is Iggy our brindle Boston. She will be a year old July 24th. Her big sister, Etta, and her make us soooooo happy!! She sleeps with her tongue out, we think it's too long for her mouth."

Gracie Lou

"This is my almost 9-month-old BT, Gracie Lou. I couldn't leave her big brother, Casey, my 3-year-old out of a few of the pictures though. Gracie was a very sick little girl when she came to me in January. She had aspiration pneumonia, which we later found out had been caused by her megaesophagus. She's doing great now and has grown like a weed since we figured out what was wrong! My little angel found out that her brother had been famous on the website before and didn't want to be left out."

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


"These pictures are of our four year old Boston Terrier, Irene. She has a large vegetable garden to prowl all summer and loves napping in the sun between the raised beds. She spends most of the summer out there with me.

Irene was there when our baby August Paul was born at home, and she loves him very much. Irene is snuggly and gentle, but also lightning fast when she tears through the garden. She loves to run in circles for the kids in the neighborhood.

When Irene was a pup, we lived in a small house with no furnace (in Minnesota). There was a cabin heater in the middle of the house and she spent her first two winters pressing herself against it to stay warm. Now that we live in a normal home, Irene still sleeps against the heat registers and runs to them when she hears the whirring of the furnace fan begin.

My wife made Irene two little beds - one for each floor of the house - she pulls them with her as she follows the sunbeams along all our southern-facing windows throughout the day. Poor Irene lives with two cats that don't much like her, though, and she usually gets the smallest sunbeam."

AJ, BJ and Alora

"Here is a pic of our two Boston's, Bugsy jr and Alora. She recently passed away. He was devastated, and would sleep by her grave until we adopted another little girl. Don't let anyone tell you that dogs can't have feelings for each other. Rest in peace my little angel. "

"Here is a pic of our new baby girl A.J. We adopted her after our other baby, Alora, passed away. She has helped us cope with our loss and our male B.J has finally stopped sleeping by Alora's grave. He's almost back to being my wild man. "

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bella and Charlie

"I’ve attached pictures of my two fur-babies, Bella and Charlie. Bella (the larger, brindle female) is just over a year old. We recently adopted Charlie (the smaller, dark male) from the Midwest Boston Terrier Rescue. These pictures were taken about four weeks after we adopted Charlie during his first camping trip with us. Its amazing how quickly these two have become partners in crime!"


"These are photos of my little man, Winchester. There are a couple of family photos when he was visiting me at work one day. Winchester loves playing anybody and everybody. His favorite toy is his ball and his favorite person is his Grandma. You may notice one of his eye’s are messed up. He had to have emergency eye surgery due to an ulcer on his eye, but he is much better now and it does not slow him down one little bit."

Sunday, July 13, 2008


" This is our baby girl... Sally. She is a rescue. We found in an ad and gave
$150 for her release. We had no idea the extent of her grief until we began
putting the pieces together as best we could. She was undoubtedly part of a
puppy mill, as she had had who knows how many litters of pups before we got
her. Somewhere down the line she was then spayed, hopefully by a vet that
didn't want her to go through anymore. She is so small, she may have had to
have surgery for the birth and the vet may have decided to fix things then.
From the looks of her teats, she was at least used as a nurse maid for other
puppies as well. When we found her ad in the paper, we did not want a
breeder, a show dog, or anything like that. We simply wanted a love muffin.
We went to pick her up from the filthiest property around and she was
definitely a love muffin. But, her nutrition was bad, she needed care, and
she really needed to be loved in return. We are not sure if the man that
sold her had any affiliation with what had happened to her, or if he just
picks up strays then sells them. He had a multitude of dogs of all different
breeds on his property and he lives in an area where pets are dumped
frequently. He played the part though and acted as if he was the caring
owner, but she got in the car with us without looking back and would not
even answer to the name he kept calling her, "Chiquita", which simply means
"very small" in Spanish. He also told us that she had never been spayed when
in fact she was. We took her for her first checkup at the vet and found that
she had advanced heartworms which could be another reason why she may have
been dumped. We had her treated and she has been fine. All of this took
place before she was a year old. Now, she has also had a bout with cancer
and is in remission, but still remains on chemo-therapy. However, she has
energy to spare, she has gained weight, the vet tells us she is healthy, and
when we got her (for my wife) I had absolutely no idea how attached I would
become. She is a love and I could not imagine life without her. My only
regret is that I would like to have saved her sooner. But, she has been with
us for 3 years now, she will never have to look back, she can have a quality
life with people that love her, and she is never going anywhere else"

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


"Attached is a pic of Molly our 5 yo BT having a cafe late at Docklands in Melbourne Australia."


"Seven-year-old Ceilidh is the absolute best model we have for our store (Golly Gear). I just love this close-up - it shows off her gorgeous (if a bit easty-westy) eyes!"


"Meet Pepsi, my 14 week old Boston Terrier. She's a handful but she makes me happy. "